Joint Stock Company
Zavodskaya St., Khotkovo, Moscow Region, 141371, Russia
Tel.: (495) 993-00-11, fax: (49654) 3-82-94
e-mail: tsniism@tsniism.ru

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Main Trends of the Institute’s Activity

CRISM JSC is a complex multiple-profile enterprise having research and design departments, a pilot-production plant and a center for experimental development and testing of structures providing all kinds of load-bearing, thermal and climatic effects.
Interaction of the structural subdivisions allows the following tasks to be solved:
  • development of special composite materials and their processing;
  • creation of methods for analysis, design, manufacture and experimental development of composite structures;
  • design and manufacture of production equipment and tooling;
  • carrying out pilot or serial production and certification tests of different-purpose composite structures.

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